
Digital printing

The flexible printing process for designing user-specific electronics enclosures

In principle all types of enclosures can be designed using digital printing. The digital printers which we use allow the printing of enclosures up to a weight of 8 kg and maximum dimensions of 690 x 490 x 150 mm (LxWxH). Depending on their size and weight, multiple enclosures can be printed at the same time.

Your advantages

Representation of photorealistic designs / colour gradients

Low set-up costs

Ideal for implementing sample batches / small batches; large batches are also possible

Printing close to the edge in recessed surfaces is possible

Very suitable for changing artwork e.g. with serial numbers

The printing template can quickly be altered, e.g. changes during the sampling phase


Did you know?

It is not possible to use special or metallic colours in digital printing. For this purpose we offer technologies such as screen or pad printing . Laser marking is also included in our offer for the application-specific designing of electronics enclosures. The decision regarding the optimal process depends on the individual choice of colours, the place of intended use, and the number of enclosures which are to be designed. We will be happy to give you comprehensive advice.

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