
2018/1/3 16:39:28







    New Year’s Greeting from SICK China GM: Create progress with perseverance,together we build the future!

    2017 is a year of milestone for SICK China. This year, in line with the development of business and organization, SICK China Guangzhou headquarter and Shenzhen branch were successfully relocated. Guangzhou headquarter was moved to the CBD zone – Zhujiang New Town, and open a new development model. This year, we achieved a milestone sales which is for year 2020. This year, adapting to SICK internal development strategy and conforming to the external economic environment & industry development trend, the organizational structure and part of the team were adjusted. This year, SICK group won the ‘Great Place to Work’ in Germany and European multinational employer group, besides that, SICK China was certified as the AEO advanced Company.


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    We can’t achieve the fruitful past without the trust and support from customers and partners. In 2018, when facing the unknown factors from market and economy, when facing the new targets, we will base on the technology, rely on the products, innovate solutions, strengthen services, to deepen cooperation with customers, distributors, suppliers,  then collaborative embrace the development trend in Industry 4.0, Made in China 2025 and industrial automation! Last but not the least, may you and your family peace and joy in coming year! Looking forward to create progress with perseverance and build the future together in 2018!

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