
ABB驱动系统为波音公司风洞提供动力系统 2006-12-12 15:59 《中华工控网》翻译

ABB drive system to power Boeing wind tunnel


An ABB variable speed drive system is to power the giant fan that generates subsonic wind speeds at Boeing’s flagship wind tunnel in Philadelphia. ABB has supplied similar drive systems for wind tunnels operated by NASA and the U.S. Air Force.


Boeing has selected an ABB ACS 5000 variable speed drive system for its Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing Wind Tunnel (BVWT V/STOL) in Philadelphia in the United States.

波音为其位于美国费城的垂直/短道起飞和降落风洞(BVWT V/STOL)选择了ABB的ACS 5000变速驱动系统。

The 14 megawatt (MW) ACS 5000 drive and 18,800 horsepower (hp) synchronous motor will power the giant fan and fan blades that create wind speeds of up to 235 knots (435 kilometers per hour) for testing sophisticated aircraft models in the wind tunnel. Hundreds of pressure sensors are embedded in the models to measure aerodynamic performance during takeoff and landing.

14兆瓦特的ACS 5000驱动和18,800马力的同步电机将为这大型风扇及其扇片提供可以产生高达235哩/小时(435公里/小时)的风速的动力,以测试在风洞里各种复杂飞机模型的情况。数以百计的压力传感器嵌入到这些模型里,测量起飞和降落期间的空气动力性能。

The ACS 5000 variable speed drive system enables Boeing to run the fan in adjustable speed mode or at constant speed, depending on the protocols and parameters of each test.

ACS 5000变速驱动系统使得波音公司可以根据每个测试的规程和参数,自由设定可调速度模式或者恒速模式。

The drive system replaces a vintage ABB variable speed drive system from 1968, and is part of an overall upgrade of the wind tunnel to turn it into one of the best test facilities in the world for obtaining aerodynamic performance data.


ABB has previously supplied drive systems for wind tunnels operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Air Force. The 101 MW drive and 135,000 hp synchronous motor at NASA’s National Transonic Facility in Virginia is the biggest and most powerful variable speed drive system in the world. It enables NASA to create the operating conditions for large transport aircraft flying at transonic speeds of up to 1,440 kilometers per hour.


Impressed by the power and capability of the NASA installation, the U.S. Air Force selected ABB to supply two 69,000 hp variable speed drive systems for its Propulsion Wind Tunnel facility in Tennessee, as well as two 30 MW softstarters to start up a total of 18 synchronous motors ranging from 27,000 - 52,000 hp at the USAF Aeropropulsion System Test Facility, also in Tennessee.


ABB is the world's leading supplier of variable speed drives.



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