
施耐德电气承诺到2030年使用100%可再生电力 2017-12-20 16:55 《中华工控网》翻译

Schneider Electric announces commitment to 100% renewable electricity by 2030

Schneider Electric, a specialist in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by the year 2030.  


The company strongly believes it cannot go renewable without ensuring optimization of its energy system first. Today’s commitments are another step-in Schneider Electric’s journey to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Aligned with these commitments, Schneider Electric decided to join two global, collaborative initiatives, led by The Climate Group and bringing together influential businesses committed to accelerating climate action:


• RE100: to use 100% renewable electricity by 2030 with an intermediary objective of 80% by 2020
• EP100: to double energy productivity by 2030, against a 2005 baseline, setting an ambitious target to doubling the economic output from every unit of energy consumed

• RE100:到2030年,使用100%的可再生能源电力,到2020年实现80%的中期目标
• EP100:到2030年将能源生产力提高一倍,与2005年的基准相比,设定让每单位能源消耗的经济产出翻一番的宏伟目标

Schneider Electric strives to answer the world’s new energy challenge by boosting energy efficiency everywhere: in homes, buildings and cities, industry, the grid, and throughout remote community. In a world more decarbonized, more digitized, more decentralized, energy use needs to be more productive. In order to deliver on its new promises and its sustained energy efficiency efforts, Schneider Electric will leverage its own technical solutions (EcoStruxure Power, EcoStruxure Grid). Using these solutions, the Group has been able to reduce its energy consumption by 10% every 3 years for the past 10 years. More specifically, Schneider Electric has reduced consumption by 6 between 2008 and 2017 at its headquarters in France, The Hive.

施耐德电气致力于通过提高各地的能源效率来应对全球新能源挑战:家庭、建筑和城市、工业、电网和整个偏远社区。在一个更低碳、更数字化、更分散的世界里,能源使用需要更高的生产力。施耐德电气将利用自身的技术解决方案(EcoStruxure Power,EcoStruxure Grid)实现其新的承诺和持续的能源效率努力。通过这些解决方案,施耐德电气在过去的十年里每三年就能够将能耗降低10%。更具体一点,在2008年至2017年间,施耐德电气在法国总部The Hive将消耗量减少了6个百分点。

These commitments will cover more than 1,000 electricity consuming sites around the globe, including 200 factories. Schneider Electric will leverage a broad range of renewable energy sources, including but not limited to solar, wind, geothermal and biomass.


Schneider Electric will drive its transition to 100% renewable electricity through three levers, with an interim goal of achieving 80% renewable electricity use by 2020 to 100% in 2030:


•On-site projects at Schneider Electric facilities around the world: with renewable energy initiatives, already in place at some Schneider Electric locations, such as a solar rooftop at its sites in Vadodara (India), Bangpoo (Thailand), or geothermal energy and a solar rooftop at its flagship office “The Hive”, France, among multiple others. Schneider Electric will install on-site renewable energy projects to help achieve its 2030 target. While on-site projects are expected to deliver a portion of Schneider Electric’s renewable electricity needs only, they will add to the company’s renewable energy capabilities, and act as a showcase for other organizations contemplating such options, together with energy efficiency enabling technologies;
•Offsite long-term procurement through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): a PPA is a long-term (12-20 year) contract between a renewable energy developer and a dedicated, creditworthy buyer. PPAs enable developers to secure financing for new wind, solar or other renewable electricity projects and allow buyers to enjoy predictable pricing from clean energy sources;
•Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) and green tariffs: an EAC is a free market instrument which verifies that one megawatt hour of renewable electricity was generated and added to the grid from a green power source. Schneider Electric will use EACs as a flexible and fast way to acquire and track renewable electricity.

• 施耐德电气设施在全球各地的现场项目:在施耐德电气的一些用电点,例如在印度巴罗达、泰国Bangpoo的太阳能屋顶,或者地热能源,已经有了可再生能源项目。法国旗舰办公室“The Hive”等太阳能屋顶。施耐德电气将安装现场可再生能源项目,以帮助实现其2030年的目标。尽管现场项目预计将只能提供部分施耐德电气的可再生能源电力需求,但他们将增加该公司的可再生能源能力,并成为其他考虑此类选项和能效促进技术机构的示范样本;
• 通过电力购买协议(PPA)进行异地长期采购:PPA是可再生能源开发商与专门的信誉良好的买家之间的长期(12 - 20年)合同。 PPA使开发商能够获得新的风能、太阳能或其他可再生电力项目的融资,并允许买家从清洁能源中享受可预测的价格;
• 能源属性证书(EACs)和绿色关税:EAC是一种自由市场工具,用于验证可再生电力的一兆瓦时由绿色电源产生并添加到电网中。施耐德电气将使用EAC作为灵活而快速的方式来获取和跟踪可再生电力。

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