
工业互联网联盟和可信物联网联盟宣布成员合并 2020-01-14 17:21 《中华工控网》翻译

Industrial Internet Consortium and Trusted IoT Alliance announce combination of memberships

The Industrial Internet Consortium(IIC) and the Trusted IoT Alliance (TIoTA) announced they are combining their memberships.


Effective immediately, the organizations will work together under the IIC umbrella to drive industry collaboration and research, foster open systems development and promote best practices for trusted IoT systems such as blockchain and related distributed ledger technologies (DLT).The first formal meeting of the combined organization will be held in Athens, Greece, March 9-12, 2020.


“Over its two-year lifespan, TIoTA has impacted the intersection of DLT and IoT, while in its five years, the IIC has established major influence in IoT across industries,”said Csilla Zsigri, Senior Analyst, Blockchain & DLT, 451 Research.“This consolidation will strengthen the ability of the IIC to provide guidance and advance best practices on the uses of distributed ledger technology across industries, and boost the commercialization of these products and services.”

451 Research区块链和DLT高级分析师Csilla Zsigri表示:“在过去的两年中,可信物联网联盟影响了分布式账本技术和物联网技术的交汇,而在成立的五年内,工业互联网联盟在物联网的各个行业中建立了重要影响。此次整合将加强工业互联网联盟在跨行业使用分布式账本技术方面提供指导和推进最佳实践的能力,并推动这些产品和服务的商业化。”

“TIoTA has built a community of technology leaders focused on bringing blockchain/DLT solutions to market,”said John Calian, Head of Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs), an Enterprise Member of TIoTA.“This community is focused on leveraging the power of blockchain/DLT and the concept of decentralized trust to achieve greater security, scalability, and interoperability within existing and future IoT ecosystems. This direction will help the IIC continue its market momentum.”

“可信物联网联盟建立了一个技术领导者社区,致力于将区块链/DLT解决方案推向市场,”可信物联网联盟企业成员电信创新实验室(T-Labs)负责人John Calian说道。“该社区专注于利用区块链/ DLT的功能以及去中心化信任的概念,在现有和未来的物联网生态系统中实现更高的安全性、可扩展性和互操作性。这一方向将有助于工业互联网联盟保持其市场势头。”  

“We are excited to take this step toward integrating TIoTA with IIC and continuing to accelerate our momentum together,”said Anoop Nannra, Founder and Chairman of TIoTA.“As an IIC liaison, we have already partnered with IIC on some of our Trusted IoT Global Design Challenges, our Trusted IoT Reference Architecture working group, and other initiatives. We are looking forward to bringing these into the IIC portfolio to further develop practices around multi-stakeholder innovation strategies. Our membership is excited to help drive and shape the advancement of trusted systems in a broad range of IoT applications with the wider community.”

可信物联网联盟创始人兼总裁Anoop Nannra表示:“我们很高兴迈出这一步,将可信物联网联盟与工业互联网联盟整合并继续加快发展势头。作为联手的一部分,我们已经与工业互联网联盟就一些可信物联网全球设计挑战、可信物联网参考架构工作组以及其他计划展开了合作。我们期待将这些纳入工业互联网联盟产品组合中,以进一步围绕多方利益相关者创新战略开发实践。我们的成员很高兴能够帮助推动和塑造更广泛社区的物联网应用中可信系统的进步。”

“We welcome the trusted systems expertise that TIoTA brings to IIC,”said IIC Executive Director Richard Soley.“Since IIC began in 2014, the use cases for distributed ledger technology have grown exponentially. The combined organization will offer a single stop for IoT industry guidance and a larger ecosystem for end users looking to improve their bottom line with IoT and DLT. This will enable the Consortium to become the center of gravity for the future of Industrial IoT systems across industry verticals.”

工业互联网联盟执行董事Richard Soley表示:“我们欢迎可信物联网联盟带给工业互联网联盟可信系统的专业知识。自2014年工业互联网联盟成立以来,分布式账本技术的应用呈指数级增长。合并后的组织将为物联网行业指南提供一站式服务,并为希望通过物联网和DLT改善利润的最终用户提供更大的生态系统。这将使联盟成为行业垂直行业未来工业物联网系统的重心。”

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