
ABB过程自动化资本市场日:支持各行业能源转型和数字化转型 2022-05-20 17:01 《中华工控网》翻译

ABB Process Automation Capital Markets Day: Supporting energy transition and digital transformation across industries

·Leading integrated automation, electrification and digitalization portfolio to deliver more sustainable performance
·Helping energy-intense industries improve productivity and efficiency to enable a low-carbon society


Zurich, May 18,2022 -- ABB’s Process Automation business area is hosting its Capital Markets Day in Helsinki, Finland, today. The business area is highlighting how it is raising long-term profitability by enabling industrial customers to manage the energy transition to a more sustainable future. This will be done through integrating its leading automation systems, industry-specific anchor products, sensing equipment, and sophisticated digital solutions.


One of the biggest challenges facing industry today is the shift of approximately 30 percent of energy from fossil fuels to low-carbon sources by 2050, while meeting the increasing demand for a broad variety of products to satisfy consumer requirements. Process Automation supports industries that address a wide range of essential needs – from supplying energy, water, and basic materials, to manufacturing goods and transporting them to market. Its customers include, among others, the hydrocarbon sector, chemicals, mining, metals and minerals, cement, pulp and paper, power generation, and marine and ports. These sectors are taking great steps to improve energy and resource efficiency while reducing harmful emissions.


Delivering on its strong organic strategy for its digital business, Process Automation today already generates approximately $500 million in orders from industrial software and digital services and expects continued double-digit growth in this area. The digital offering is centered around value pillars that capture the biggest value creation potentials to be achieved for customers through advanced analytics and artificial intelligence. The suite of solutions helps customers across industries predict maintenance, optimize energy, improve cybersecurity, and increase operational efficiency.

凭借其强大的数字业务有机战略,过程自动化今天已经从工业软件和数字服务中获得了大约 5亿美元的订单,并预计该领域将继续实现两位数的增长。数字化产品以价值支柱为中心,通过高级分析和人工智能为客户实现最大的价值创造潜力。这套解决方案可帮助各行各业的客户预测维护、优化能源、改善网络安全并提高运营效率。

“We are at the heart of some of the most important shifts in society at this very moment,” said Peter Terwiesch, President of the business area Process Automation. “We can make a real difference through our product and systems portfolio, all aligned with ABB’s purpose to transform industries to address the world’s energy challenges through leading technology. Apart from becoming more sustainable, our technology also helps our customers to continually improve productivity and run safer operations, which is very important, given that they operate some of the most essential and complex infrastructures on the planet.”

“此时此刻,我们处于社会中一些最重要转变的核心,”ABB过程自动化业务总裁唐维诗(Peter Terwiesch)表示。“我们可以通过我们的产品和系统组合发挥真正的作用,所有这些都符合 ABB 的目标,即通过领先技术改变行业以应对世界能源挑战。除了变得更具可持续性之外,我们的技术还帮助我们的客户不断提高生产力并实现更安全的运营,这非常重要,因为他们负责了全球一些最重要和最复杂基础设施的运营。”

At the core of such operations, orchestrating the production process and optimizing energy management, is ABB’s automation system offering. Its Distributed Control System (DCS) has been the number one player in its field for the last 22 consecutive years according to an independent report. ABB has maintained a leading share of around 20 percent in 2021 in a market worth more than $14 billion and has built the largest DCS installed base and service business in the industry. The services provided to customers throughout the long system lifecycle, often decades, keep assets updated with latest technology, and the intimacy with customers’ operations allows ABB to continually improve production efficiency.

ABB的自动化系统产品是此类运营的核心,即协调生产过程和优化能源管理。根据一份独立报告,ABB分布式控制系统 (DCS) 连续22年在该领域排名第一。2021年,ABB在价值超过140亿美元的市场中保持了约20%的领先份额,并建立了业内最大的DCS安装基础和服务业务。在漫长的系统生命周期内(通常是几十年),ABB为客户提供的服务使资产保持最新的技术,而与客户运营的密切关系也使ABB能够不断地提高生产效率。

Alongside its comprehensive portfolio, the business area is presenting its financials and how it has already lifted the profitability of all its divisions to double-digit margins through exiting non-core activities, tightening project selectivity, and strengthening execution. The business area now aims to improve further through pricing, bolt-on acquisitions, and continuous strict cost management.


ABB is currently planning to exit its Turbocharging division, now called Accelleron which is part of the business area. Without this division, the business area would have achieved revenues of $5.5 billion, an operating margin of 11.1 percent in 2021, net working capital of below zero, and a return on capital employed (ROCE) of ~20 percent, with about 20,000 employees in four divisions worldwide.

目前,ABB正计划剥离其涡轮增压部门,该部门现在名为Accelleron,是该业务领域的一部分。不包括Accelleron在内,ABB过程自动化业务2021年实现营收55亿美元,营业利润率为11.1%,净营运资本低于零,动用资本回报率 (ROCE) 约为 20%,在全球四大部门拥有约2万名员工。

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