
ABB帮助曼谷减少水资源损失 2006-05-22 16:06 《中华工控网》翻译

ABB helps Bangkok reduce water loss


2006-05-19 - An ABB leak management solution will help the Bangkok Metropolitan Waterworks Authority reduce annual water loss by 160 million cubic meters and save $4 million in treatment and energy costs.


The Bangkok Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (MWA) has identified water loss as its number-one priority and is striving to reduce annual leakage from an estimated 40 percent in 2000 to 30 percent by the end of 2006.


At stake is not just the considerable loss of non-revenue water, but the cost of treating and distributing millions of cubic meters of product that is lost in transit between the treatment plant and the end user.


Integral to the Bangkok MWA’s efforts to minimize water loss and improve operational efficiency is a customized ABB automation solution that enables the water authority to monitor flow and pressure data at 1,000 measuring points and transmit data to a central control center.


There, ABB’s Water Leakage Management Software (WLMS) will perform leakage calculations to determine water loss levels in district metering areas throughout the Greater Bangkok area.


Leaks and burst pipelines


The system differentiates between background losses at joints and fittings and larger scale bursts, and enables operators to quickly localize leaks, deploy maintenance teams, track maintenance status, and access essential zone criteria and data by remote.


The solution is based on ABB’s award-winning System 800xA automation platform and includes the WLMS and Power Generation Information Management (PGIM) software, the expansion of an existing ABB SCADA system with 800xA and AC800M controllers, MagMaster electromagnetic flow meters, and CTU800-CPE remote terminal units.

该解决方案是基于ABB得奖的800xA自动化平台系统,还包括WLMS和发电信息管理(PGIM)软件,添加了800xA AC800M控制器的现有ABB 监控和数据采集系统(SCADA),MagMaster电磁流量计,以及CTU800-CPE远程终端设备。

Application software like geographical information systems, water network analysis, customer information systems, and billing systems is integrated with the solution.


The Bangkok metropolitan water system is one of the largest in the world. It supplies some 11 million people in three major cities with1,628 million cubic meters of potable water a year via 24,328 kilometers of pipeline over an area of 1,855 square kilometers.



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