
广州和北京选择施耐德电气装备其新地铁路线 2006-06-08 16:58 《中华工控网》翻译


Guangzhou and Beijing choose Schneider Electric to equip new subway lines


When it comes to traffic jam, chinese municipalities don’t take risks but take steps to solve the issue and relieve congestion in their streets. Thus Beijing and Guangzhou - a town located in the south part of China, both started to develop their subway many years ago. And Schneider Electric is one of their major partner for their plans development.


A solid relationship, top-ranking products and services and a very strong local partner


In Guangzhou, construction of line 4 and 5 of the subway generated at the beginning of 2006 an order for low voltage Schneider Electric equipment. This project is major for the city in the years to come, as it will organize 2010 Asian Games. The municipality needs to keep up with the development of its city transportation, for the thousands of visitors expected for the sports events.


As for Beijing, the capital will host 2008 Summer Olympic Games, and many people pay attention to make sure everything will be ready. Orders with Schneider Electric are already taken for primary and secondary electrical distribution on Line 5, which will serve 22 stations, from north to south.


Guangzhou, Beijing, 2 cities, 2 subways: A unique showcase for Schneider Electric, exposed to thousands of traveler each day. The next stop will undoubtedly be another success. 



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