
旧金山国际机场扩装施耐德电气PowerLogic系统 2006-06-26 17:22 《中华工控网》翻译

San Francisco International Airport keeps expanding PowerLogic System from Schneider Electric


A power management system to provide better control


San Francisco boasts one of the most technologically advanced airports in the United States, providing the highest quality experience for both airlines and travelers alike with Schneider Electric innovative solutions.


The San Francisco International Airport (SFIA) has applied its inclination toward advanced technology to its power management system, linking state of the art power meters and circuit monitors with software to monitor its power system.


Since 1997, the airport, one of the busiest in the world, has invested in PowerLogic® product and application engineering services from Schneider Electric.

1997年起,作为世界上做繁忙机场之一的旧金山国际机场就向施耐德电气购买了PowerLogic 产品和应用工程服务。

SFIA recently decided to expand its systems capabilities, and standardize on advanced PowerLogic Circuit Monitors for their medium voltage circuits.



To install and maintain the system, SFIA electricians were trained by Schneider Electric’s PowerLogic University, and they use Schneider Electric’s technical support center for ongoing support.


“This newer power management system provides better control, more and better information and gives us the ability to act sooner and faster,” said Jim Wolanin, airport electrician supervisor. “And in realizing the additional benefits from the PowerLogic capability, we have gained insight for building a whole new electrical distribution system.” 

机场电工主管Jim Wolanin表示:“这个更新的电力管理系统提供了更好的控制、更多更有用的信息,使得我们可以采取更快的行动。而且,认识到PowerLogic容量所带来的额外收益,我们已经有先见地建造了一整个全新的配电系统。”


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