
ZigBee发布基于IPv6的无线网络标准 2013-04-01 17:06 《中华工控网》翻译

ZigBee releases standard for IPv6-Based Wireless Networks


March 28, 2013 - The ZigBee Alliance announced the completion and public availability of its third specification, ZigBee IP. ZigBee IP is the first open standard for an IPv6-based full wireless mesh networking solution and provides seamless Internet connections to control low-power, low-cost devices. A free public webinar hosted by industry experts will discuss the unique capabilities of ZigBee IP on April 3.

3月28日消息——ZigBee 联盟宣布,第三套规范ZigBee IP 已开发完成并向公众推出。ZigBee IP 是第一个基于 IPv6 全无线筛状网络解决方案的开放标准,为控制低功耗、低成本的装置提供无缝衔接的互联网连接。行业专家将于4月3日举行一个免费的公众网络研讨会,共同探讨 ZigBee IP 的独特功能。

ZigBee IP specification enriches the IEEE 802.15.4 standard by adding network and security layers and an application framework. ZigBee IP offers a scalable architecture with end-to-end IPv6 networking, laying the foundation for an Internet of Things without the need for intermediate gateways. It offers cost-effective and energy-efficient wireless mesh network based on standard Internet protocols, such as 6LoWPAN, IPv6, PANA, RPL, TCP, TLS and UDP. It also features proven, end-to-end security using TLS1.2 protocol, link layer frame security based on AES-128-CCM algorithm and support for public key infrastructure using standard X.509 v3 certificates and ECC-256 cipher suite.

ZigBee IP 规范加入了网络层和安全层及应用框架,使 IEEE 802.15.4 标准更加完善。ZigBee IP 提供了一个具有端到端 IPv6 联网能力的可扩展架构,无需使用中间网关,从而为物联网的发展奠定了基础。该规范依据 6LoWPAN、IPv6、PANA、RPL、TCP,TLS 和 UDP 等标准互联网协议提供低成本、高效节能的无线筛状网络。它还具有采用 TLS1.2 协议来保证的成熟的端到端安全性,使用 AES-128-CCM 算法来保证链路层数据帧的安全性,并通过标准 X.509 v3 证书和 ECC-256 加密套件为关键的公共基础设施提供支持。

“ZigBee IP offers a significant step forward in the expansion of IP-based control,” said Mark Grazier, marketing manager and ZigBee board member, Wireless Connectivity Solutions, Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI). “Having low-power, low-cost wireless mesh devices that connect to a variety of Smart Grid IPv6-based protocols will further expand the Internet of Things.”

ZigBee 理事会成员、德州仪器公司(TI) 无线连接解决方案营销经理 Mark Grazier 表示:“ZigBee IP对扩大基于 IP 的控制又迈出了重要一步。利用低功耗、低成本的无线筛状装置连接各种智能电网基于IPv6 的协议,将有利于物联网的进一步发展。”

ZigBee IP continues the ZigBee tradition of self-organizing and self-healing mesh networking to enable robust communications over the globally available 2.4 GHz frequency as well as over the 868/915/920 MHz frequencies in select countries.

ZigBee IP 延续了 ZigBee 自我组织和自我修复筛状网络的传统,通过全球通行的 2.4 GHz 频率和部分国家的 868/915/920 MHz 频率来打造可靠的通信服务。

“ZigBee IP provides another option for product manufacturers to add mesh networking to their products,” said Tobin Richardson, chairman and CEO of the ZigBee Alliance. “We expect to see a wave of ZigBee Certified products based on ZigBee IP when Smart Energy Profile 2 is completed later this year since ZigBee IP was designed specifically to meet SEP2 requirements for the Smart Grid.”

ZigBee 联盟总裁兼首席执行官 Tobin Richardson 表示:“ZigBee IP让产品制造商可以用另一种方法来将筛状网络添加到他们的产品中。Smart Energy Profile 2(SEP2)将于今年晚些时候推出,我们预期届时基于 ZigBee IP 的 ZigBee 认证产品将掀起一股热潮,因为ZigBee IP 是专门为智能电网满足SEP2要求而设计的。”

Exegin, Silicon Labs and Texas Instruments provided Golden Units against which all future ZigBee Certified products using the ZigBee IP specification will be tested. This testing process ensures compliance with the specification so that manufacturers can be assured of consistent communications. Grid2Home and Sensinode achieved ZigBee Compliant platform status. Testing services were provided by NTS, TRaC and TÜV Rheinland.

Exegin、SilIcon Labs和德州仪器提供了“黄金单元”的规范产品,未来采用 ZigBee IP 规格的所有 ZigBee 认证产品将以此为参照进行测试。该测试流程确保产品符合规格,这样制造商大可对通信的一致性放心。Grid2Home和Sensinode 达到了ZigBee合规平台的资格标准。测试服务由 NTS、TRaC 和 TUV Rheinland提供。

ZigBee: Control your world
ZigBee offers green and global wireless standards connecting the widest range of devices to work together intelligently and help you control your world. The ZigBee Alliance is an open, non- profit association of approximately 400 members driving development of innovative, reliable and easy-to-use ZigBee standards. The Alliance promotes worldwide adoption of ZigBee as the leading wirelessly networked, sensing and control standard for use in consumer, commercial and industrial areas.

ZigBee 提供绿色的全球无线标准,能够将各种设备连接起来,实现智能化运作,让世界尽在您的掌握之中。ZigBee 联盟是一个由约400家成员企业组成的非营利性开放式协会,旨在共同推动创新、可靠、易用的 ZigBee 标准开发。该联盟致力于在世界各地推广ZigBee,使其成为用于消费产品、商业和工业领域的领先无线网络连接、传感和控制标准。

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