
EtherCAT中国测试中心颁发首个认证 2013-09-24 16:51 《中华工控网》翻译

EtherCAT Test Center in China issues first certificate

September 20, 2013--The EtherCAT Test Center (ETC) in China issued its first official Chinese conformance certificate to Tsino Dynatron Electrical Technology.


The official hand over of the first Chinese conformance certificate recently took place in Shenzhen, one of five cities where this year’s EtherCAT Roadshow China stopped, and where representatives of Tsino -Dynatron, ETG and the EtherCAT Test Center were onsite.


Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the ETG, explained: “The growing demand for official tests shows that our Chinese ETG members not only implement EtherCAT into their devices, but also recognize the value of an official device certification.”

ETG执行董事Martin Rostan表示:“对官方测试需求的不断增长,表明了中国ETG会员不仅将EtherCAT应用到其设备,而且也认识到了官方设备认证的价值。”

EtherCAT devices have been successful on the Chinese market for a long time and usage of the EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool by ETG members in-house is accordingly popular. However, voluntary official device test at the newly opened accredited test center in China will increasingly be frequented by Chinese companies in order to introduce their EtherCAT products to the market as “officially conformance tested.”

长期以来,EtherCAT设备已经在中国市场上取得成功,相应地, ETG会员内部使用EtherCAT一致性测试工具也颇为流行。然而,在这个新开张的中国认证测试中心,将有越来越多的中国公司为了向市场推出已通过“官方一致性测试”的EtherCAT产品,而自愿参与这个官方设备测试。

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