
RFID市场一年增长17% 2014-03-27 17:29 《中华工控网》翻译

RFID market grows 17% in one year

March 20, 2014 - IDTechEx says the RFID market - including tags, readers, software and services, for passive and active RFID - will grow from $7.88 billion in 2013 to $9.2 billion in 2014. Most growth is due to active RFID/RTLS systems, interrogators, and then tags, in terms of total money spent.

2014年3月20日——IDTechEx表示,RFID市场——包括无源和有源RFID的标签、阅读器、软件和服务——将从2013年的78.8亿美元增长到2014年的92亿美元。在总花费金额方面,大部分增长来自有源RFID / RTLS系统、查询器,然后是标签。

Passive UHF tags see rapid growth, from a total of just over 3 billion tags in 2013 to 3.9 billion tags in 2014. IDTechEx find that 2.48 billion passive HF tags will be sold in 2014, although at a much higher average sales price than passive UHF tags, so the money spent on HF tags will be almost ten times more. The highest volume sector for passive UHF systems is retail apparel, which still has some way to go with RFID penetrating only about 7% of the total addressable market for apparel in 2014.

无源UHF标签增长迅速,从2013年的30亿美元到2014年的39亿美元。IDTechEx发现, 2014年无源高频标签销售额将达24.8亿美元,因为其平均销售价格比无源超高频标签要高得多售,所以高频标签的支出将几乎是十倍以上。无源超高频系统成交量最高的行业是服装零售,该行业普及RFID仍然有一段路要走, 2014年,在可获取的服装市场规模,其渗透率只有大约7 %。

After extensive interviews with suppliers, IDTechEx find that there are now emerging or established leaders in most positions of the value chain across the different technologies - yet still very few companies have sales of more than $100 million.


IDTechEx expect that the RFID market will reach $30.2 billion in 2024. This research was conducted for the report RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2014-2024 which provides the key data and analysis in all the main applications, giving an unprecedented level of insight into the total RFID industry and what is really happening.

根据 “2014—2024年RFID预测、参与者和机会”这份报告得出的结论,IDTechEx预计,到2024年RFID市场将达302亿美元。该报告对所有主要应用提供了关键数据和分析,从而对RFID产业的总体情况,以及目前真正发生的事情,提供了前所未有的洞察。

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