
Moxa加入基金会现场总线 2014-08-18 13:57 《中华工控网》翻译

Moxa Joins Fieldbus Foundation

August 13, 2014 - Moxa joined the Fieldbus Foundation. Within the Foundation's Remote Operations Management subcommittee, Moxa will collaborate with key sponsors including Petrobras, Reliance, and Saudi Aramco on the specification of new technology and protocols for process automation. As part of this initiative, Moxa has committed to donating and presenting equipment for demonstration at several oil and gas end-user facilities, including the world's largest oil refinery in Jamnagar, India.


"Moxa shares the Fieldbus Foundation vision of greater interoperability and efficiency through the use of common communication protocols and platforms," said Thomas Nuth, Moxa's Global Manager of Oil and Gas Vertical Marketing. "With the strength of our technology offerings in the oil and gas sector and our longtime support for the Foundation's High Speed Ethernet (HSE) and H1 protocols, we look forward to a fruitful and rewarding collaboration with our fellow Foundation members."

Moxa石油和天然气垂直市场部全球经理Thomas Nuth表示:“Moxa认同基金会现场总线的愿景,即通过使用共同的通讯协议和平台,实现更大的互操作性和效率。随着我们的技术产品在石油和天然气行业的加强以及我们对基金会高速以太网和H1协议的长期支持,我们期待着与我们的基金会成员伙伴进行富有成果和有意义的合作。”

Foundation members have already expressed interest in a remote wellhead surveillance solution developed by Moxa and Terra Ferma, a Colorado-based systems integrator specializing in portable communications systems for harsh and remote environments. The case study and white paper will among the topics discussed with Reliance Petroleum Limited for the Jamnagar Refinery. The Jamnagar Refinery, currently the largest crude oil refinery in the world, covers 11.7 square miles and has an installed capacity of 668,000 barrels per day.

基金会成员对Moxa和Terra Ferma——科罗拉多州一家专注于适用在恶劣和远程环境中便携式通信系统的系统集成商——开发的远程井口监控解决方案表达了兴趣。其中与Reliance石油有限公司在贾姆讷格尔炼油厂的案例研究和白皮书将是讨论的议题之一。贾姆讷格尔炼油厂目前是全球最大的原油炼油厂,总占地面积11.7平方公里,装机生产容量为每天66.8万桶。

Since the establishment of their Global Sales and Marketing headquarters in Brea, California, Moxa has become increasingly active in industry associations and standards organizations. Moxa was the first industrial automation supplier to announce membership in the Industrial Internet Consortium formed earlier this year by GE, IBM, Cisco, Intel, and AT&T. Moxa also joined ITS America last year, and has been a long standing member of ODVA and PI North America.

自从在加州布雷亚成立其全球销售和营销总部以来,Moxa对行业协会和标准组织日趋积极。Moxa是今年早些时候通用电气、IBM、思科、英特尔和AT&T发起成立的工业互联网联盟之后,第一个宣布成为会员的工业自动化供应商。MOXA去年还加入了ITS America组织,并且是ODVA和PI北美组织的一个长期会员。

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