
三星电子加入OPC基金会 2017-09-24 17:04 《中华工控网》翻译

Samsung Electronics joins the OPC Foundation

September 22, 2017 - Samsung Electronics has joined the OPC Foundation, a de-facto Industrial IoT organization providing data and protocol interoperability, security and reliability from its specifications and open source implementations, which are vendor-neutral and platform agnostic. As a Corporate Member, Samsung Electronics accelerates deploying interoperable Industrial edge platform into its manufacturing infrastructures relying on OPC UA framework.

2017年9月22日——三星电子加入了OPC基金会,一个事实上的工业物联网组织,其规范和开源实现提供数据和协议的互操作性、安全性和可靠性,而且独立于任何供应商和平台。作为企业会员,三星电子将通过OPC UA框架加速部署可互操作的工业边缘平台到其制造基础设施。

OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data and information grown up in the industrial automation and other industries. It ensures the seamless flow of information among multi-vendors and platforms. More than 500 industry vendors and software developers take part in creating the series of specifications for the OPC standard and Samsung Electronics is excited to collaborate with the OPC Foundation, who is one of the top-tier standardization organizations in the Industrial IoT domains for the interoperability.


Samsung Electronics, who is one of the largest manufacturing giants worldwide for its consumer electronics and mobile products, believes that the great potentials of the OPC UA framework could synergy Samsung’s effort to deploy the Industrial IoT edge platform for its manufacturing infrastructures in order to achieve the seamless interoperability aiming for the Industry 4.0.

作为全球最大的消费电子和移动产品制造巨头之一,三星电子认为OPC UA架构的巨大潜力可以协同三星为其制造基础设施部署工业物联网边缘平台的努力,从而实现工业4.0的无缝互操作性。

Thomas J. Burke OPC Foundation President & Executive Director, welcomes Samsung Electronics joining the OPC Foundation: “Samsung Electronics is one of the most important companies that truly is leading-edge in manufacturing excellence bringing quality products to the consumer market. Samsung will be able to leverage the OPC UA multivendor multiplatform technology in their manufacturing facilities to have complete information integration addressing the complex requirements of the industrial Internet of things as they leverage data and information integration from the sensors to the cloud. The OPC Foundation will be working closely with Samsung to give them the highest quality OPC UA enabled certified products from their suppliers to continue their manufacturing excellence.”

OPC基金会总裁兼执行董事Thomas J. Burke欢迎三星电子加入OPC基金会时说:“三星电子是最重要的公司之一,真正在制造业方面处于领先优势,将优质产品带入消费市场。三星将能够凭借其制造设施中的OPC UA多厂商多平台技术来完成信息集成,满足工业物联网的复杂要求,因为它们利用了从传感器到云端的数据和信息集成。 OPC基金会将与三星紧密合作,帮助三星获得来自供应商最高质量的OPC UA认证产品,继续推动其卓越制造。”

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