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一种智能监控系统的设计与实现 [作者: 汤一平 熊建英 邓飞]
汤一平 熊建英 邓飞 浙江工业大学信息工程学院(310014)


This paper presents a remote monitoring system which monitors elder who lives alone at home bassed on life supply line, It obtains the usage and trend of the life supply line through checking the usage of water, electricity and gas. A model of the elder’s activity change can be built by the inferential arithmetic and the accumulated data. And based on this model, the healthy and security status can be predicted and abnormity can be inferred. Then quantified these results, give the corresponding help according to results, In this way, it realizes the remote monitoring of the elder who live alone.
Keywords:life supply-line, abnormity predicted, remote monitoring


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