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名  称: YellowFin WiMAX 分析仪
来  源:   嘉兆科技(深圳)有限公司<<点此查看联系方式
大  小: 563.34 KB
上  传: 2008/6/20
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说  明: YellowFin WiMAX 分析仪

YellowFin™ WiMAX analyzer is the world’s first truly portable WiMAX test receiver. This handheld unit utilizes the Samsung Q1 tablet UMPC as an interface in conjunction with Berkeley’s precision receiver technology for complete spectrum analysis as well as WiMAX packet demodulation. The receiver sweeps the 2.0 - 5.9 GHz spectrums to within +1.5 dB accuracy. YellowFin™ performs full spectrum analysis allowing RF engineers to see the whole wireless network picture. Features include power triggers, peak hold/search, markers and multiple waveform traces. WiMAX packet analysis includes RSSI measurements for ID cell & segment, multipath and CINR (Carrier-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratios). The optional DF (Direction Finding) Antenna allows engineers to pinpoint sources of WiMAX interference, rogue base stations and even nearby hackers. YellowFin™ site survey software (optional) enables users to perform site surveys revealing mapping coverage, reliability analysis, overlap and dead spots on any WiMAX network.

YellowFin (Overview)‏ :
•Hand-held portable WiMAX receiver.
•View preamble data on supplied Tablet PC using Collector application.
•View spectrum analyzer data.
•Take snapshots of data in real-time.
•Log data for later conversion into ASCII-readable text.

•WiMAX Packet Analysis
•WiMAX Spectrum Analysis
•RF Direction Finding (using optional antenna)
•RF Interference Detection
•Peak Search / Hold with up to 4 Peak Hold waveform traces
•User Selectable Power Triggers
•Waveform Snapshots of any screen

状 态: 离线


公司名称: 嘉兆科技(深圳)有限公司
联 系 人: 刘志勇
电  话: 0755-83760007
传  真: 0755-83761816
地  址: 深圳市深南中路3007号国际科技大厦2001室
邮  编: 518033
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