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名  称: 西门子S7-300,S7-400编程模拟软件WinSPS-S7 V3 starten
来  源: 网友上传
大  小: 17M
上  传: 2004/8/31
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说  明: 西门子S7-300,S7-400编程模拟软件WinSPS-S7 V3 starten

About WinPLC7

WinPLC7 is a programing and simulation package for SIMATIC-S7 controllers of the type S7-300?and S7-400?as well as the CPUs of the series 11X/811X, 21X/821X.

You can create STEP?-programs on a PC by means of STL and FUP. You can test these PLC programs on the PC without access to a physical PLC. The integrated software-PLC is used exactly like a real S7-PLC. It is also possible to use the software PLC to test the error responses and the diagnostic options via the diagnostic buffer, USTACK and BSTACK.

An MPI-cable is required to communicate with an S7-PLC. This connection can also be used at the higher data communication rates of 57600 and 115200 Baud.
The communications with the CPUs S7-11X/811X, S7-21X/821X can be established via the Green-Cable. In this case you must set the Baudrate to 38400.

WinPLC7 does not support the SIEMENS-S7-200 since this PLC can no longert be programmed by means of STEP?. Furthermore, the hardware protocols are no longer identical to those of the S7-300?400.

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