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名  称: Automation Control for Vertical Form, Fill and Seal (VFFS) Machines
来  源:   罗克韦尔自动化(中国)有限公司<<点此查看联系方式
大  小: 750KB
上  传: 2012/1/11 14:51:40
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说  明: Vertical Form, Fill, and Seal (VFFS) machines are used in the consumer products industry for a wide variety of packaging applications. Various products like salt, tea, sugar, spices, snack foods, wafers, detergent and candies are placed into formed pouches and then sealed. The pouch material is l exible and typically heat-sealable plastic. Paper is also used and sealed by glue.

状 态: 离线


公司名称: 罗克韦尔自动化(中国)有限公司
联 系 人: 市场部
电  话: 021-021-6128 8888
传  真: 021-6128 8899
地  址: 上海市虹梅路1801号宏业大厦
邮  编: 200233
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