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名  称: TGW-ERMANCO INC. Engineers Design TURBO Sorter Thanks to Rapid Local Logic Completed by Intelligent Components
来  源:   罗克韦尔自动化(中国)有限公司<<点此查看联系方式
大  小: 462KB
上  传: 2012/1/11 14:51:40
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说  明: In distribution centers around the globe, products that have been ordered by companies and individuals from Australia to Alabama need to be sorted and shipped out. From baseball caps to candy bars to computers, after someone clicks the “submit order” button, conveyor systems start doing their part of the job, making sure that a specific order makes it to a specific destination in the shortest amount of time possible.
The engineers at TGW-ERMANCO INC., one of the world’s largest? suppliers of material-handling solutions, are tasked with making sure that those companies ship out the most cases of products with the highest degree of accuracy possible.

状 态: 离线


公司名称: 罗克韦尔自动化(中国)有限公司
联 系 人: 市场部
电  话: 021-021-6128 8888
传  真: 021-6128 8899
地  址: 上海市虹梅路1801号宏业大厦
邮  编: 200233
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